Polyslick Bus Curb


POLYSLICK® BUS CURB is a custom formulated synthetic fender designed to reduce street curb and transit station curb damage as well as reduce damage to bus wheels and tires. Damage typically occurs when drivers are executing "precision or close docking". This safety oriented action is required to reduce the gap between the curb or station platform and the boarding floor of the bus. POLYSLICK® BUS CURB allows buses to impact and glide smoothly along the curb face achieving a minimal and safer boarding gap while protecting the curb and bus. Our standard high visibility colors are consistent and UV stabilized throughout the material so they permanently enforce the bus zone. No more painting!

  • Moisture resistant
  • Chemical resistant
  • Stress crack resistant
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Non toxic / Non hazardous
  • Easy to clean
  • Easily machined
  • High impact strength
  • High energy absorption
  • High abrasion resistance




Typical Properties


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